Aysha Mann
M.Sc. Student
in Biomedical Engineering
Team member between
Aug 2023 - May 2024 (as a M.Sc. student)
Oct 2021 - Aug 2023 (as an undergraduate researcher)
Aysha Mann joined our team as a junior undergraduate student. At the time, she was majoring in biomedical engineering at Mississippi State. She was a part of the Shackouls Honors College, the Biomedical Engineering Association at MSU, the National Society of Black Engineers, Students for a Sustainable Campus, and serves as a Resident Advisor for Mississippi State University Department of Housing and Residence Life. Aysha hopes to do research in immunology or oncology in the future. For now, she is excited to research early diagnosis and personalized treatment for cardiovascular diseases. Some hobbies include traveling, being a loyal fan to the Tennessee Titans with her dad, cuddling with her dog Tyson, and finding ways to be more eco-friendly/minimalistic.
Clinical Specialist at Stryker
M.Sc. Thesis
The analysis and comparison of cardiac time intervals via seismocardiography Link
Rahman, M.M., Mann, A., Taebi, A. (2024).
ECG-Free Assessment of Cardiac Valve Events Using Seismocardiography.
2024 IEEE 20th International Conference on Body Sensor Networks, Chicago, IL.
doi 10.1109/BSN63547.2024.10780525
Mann, A., Rahman, M.M., Vanga, V., Gamage, P.T., Taebi, A. (2024).
Variation of Seismocardiogram-Derived Cardiac Time Intervals and Heart Rate Variability Metrics Across the Sternum.
ASME J of Medical Devices 18(4): 044502.
doi 10.1115/1.4066368
Mann, A., Gamage, P.T., Kakavand, B., Taebi, A. (2024).
Exploring the Impact of Sensor Location On Seismocardiography-Derived Cardiac Time Intervals.
ASME J of Medical Diagnostics 7(1): 011007.
doi 10.1115/1.4063203
Mann, A., Kakavand, B., Gamage, P.T., Taebi, A. (2023).
Effect of Measurement Location on Cardiac Time Intervals Estimated by Seismocardiography.
ASME 2023 International Mechanical Engineering Conference and Exposition, V005T06A070.
Mann, A., Cook, J., Umar, M., Khalili, F., Taebi, A. (2022).
Heart Rate Monitoring Using Heart Acoustics.
ASME 2022 International Mechanical Engineering Conference and Exposition, V004T05A069.
doi 10.1115/IMECE2022-96824
Poster Presentations
Cardiac time interval estimation based on seismocardiography.
Undergraduate Research Symposium, Mississippi State University.
April 13-14, 2023.